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Timely Delivery

Cost Effective

Excellent Service


Our Fertilization program includes: 


#1 Early Spring March/April: This includes heavy feeding, pre-emergent crabgrass control, and broadleaf weed controls (weather permitting).


#2 Late Spring April/May: A gradual-release fertilizer is applied for continued growth and color, with a second round of pre-emergent crabgrass controls and broadleaf weed controls.


#3 Early Summer May/June: a summer blend extended nutrient-release fertilizer is applied, along with surface insect control and persistent broadleaf weed treatment for full program customers.


#4 Late Summer July/August: an application of slow-release fertilizer to maintain a healthy lawn without the risk of burn damage. This treatment helps your lawn recover from heat-related stresses, and persistent broadleaf weeds are spot treated.


#5 Early Fall September/October: the optimal time for lawn growth, so a heavy rate of fertilizer with a complete micronutrient package is applied for improved color, with necessary weed control. This is also a good time for aeration and overseeding.


#6 Late Fall October/November: A balanced feeding is applied to help your lawn recover from summer stress and prepare for winter, with treatment for persistent broadleaf weeds.


Contact us today to keep your lawn looking healthy and vibrant all year long.


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